Adnan Oktar is a worldwide known man of ideas, he is a faithful Muslim whose fascinating and capable messages of peace and love are for people with faiths and those without a faith.

He has assign his life advising the existence and oneness of Almighty God, to advertising the moral values of the Qur’an and to beat the atheist ideologies of Darwinism, communism, the intellectual materialist, racism and fascism. Adnan Oktar (assumed name Harun Yahya) published more than 300 compelling books that have been translated into dozens of languages. His articles repeatedly appear in more than 200 magazines and newspapers all across the world in different languages and faiths, for instance from Israel to Russia from Taiwan to Saudi Arabia and from Iran to the USA.

While he writes, books saving people from merciless, materialism, egoism and loveless, he also displays indisputable, concrete scientific evidence about invalidity of Darwinism.  One of the important works of him, The Atlas of Creation, which has made an enormous impact across the world, has been a significant step in disclosing the fossils that have been scrupulously concealed by Darwinists. The Atlas of Creation commence a real wisdom in Europe. The European nations had endured under the pressure of materialist movements and Darwinist for centuries. People have started to comprehend that the theory of evolution has no scientific price and that it is kept on the agenda for just cerebral matters.

Another valuable addition is his book ‘A Call for Unity’. The central thought is that Christians, Jews and Muslims are united by a belief in the same God and a love of same prophets. Oktar also characterize his perception of Islam that grasps modernity, beauty, technology, fashion arts and science. Through his statements, lectures and videos, Adnan Oktar apparently demonstrates that science and religion are not antagonists. They are both accurate searches for the truth, that are in conformity with each other.

His voice will maintain, fair and fearless by those who seek to sow friction and dissonance. Adnan Oktar is a powerful source of love, helping humankind to achieve its eventual destiny of living in trust, peace, love and harmony.

You can find more informations about him on this website:


  1. One of the most well-known prominent Muslim scholars in the world

  2. his works are followed by millions throughout the world

  3. Everyone should read Mr. Adnan Oktar‘s books. They are so different, rational and interesting. He changed my opinion about life.


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